First Priority is uniform in the belief of individual safety and security. We offer firearm safety courses to qualifying adults and children. “Accidental” or “Negligent” firearms incidents can be eliminated with safe and knowledgeable training of all citizens who encounter firearms.
With the rising tide of extremism, homegrown terrorism, and the continued proliferation of firearms in our society, First Priority Security Consulting has the goal and desire to provide every lawfully entitled citizen the safe exercise of their 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.
We provide an affordable, safe and secure environment for students to gain the knowledge, skills, abilities, and confidence to safely own and operate the firearm(s) of their choice. First Priority Security Consulting firmly believes all citizens should be prepared to exercise their lawful rights to self-defense whether inside or outside the home.
In these trying times of earthquakes, extreme heat, and the raging fires exacerbated due to climate change and man-made violence; Priority Security Consulting brings affordable solutions to the Bay Area community and beyond for citizens, regardless of socio-economic status, station in life, or zip code, the knowledge, training, and skills in the preparation for, endurance of and recovery from natural and man-made disaster events.
First Priority Security Consulting deeply believes every citizen, regardless of zip code should have available the opportunity of knowledge and training to survive any natural or man-made disaster event.